Ways to Help


Continuing Education Dinners


TIP holds monthly meetings for volunteers. You will help us provide food for volunteers at this continuing education meeting.
You will be listed on the event program as the “Sponsor”and will be given verbal recognition at the event.

Sponsor Website for 1 Year



You will help us maintain and update the TIP website which provides helpful information to survivors of tragedy.
Your name will be prominently displayed on the TIP website as the “Website Sponsor”.

Training Academy



All Citizens must attend the 55 hr Academy to become TIP Volunteers. You will help us fund this academy.
You will be listed as the “Training Academy Sponsor” on the front of the training manuals, and TIP Staff will announce your sponsorship at the beginning of the academy.


Resource Guides



You will help us print resource guides which are given to clients to help them obtain the follow up services they need.
Your name will be listed as the “Resource Guide Sponsor” in the resource guide, on our website and on social media.


Volunteer Appreciation Event


TIP recognizes TIP Volunteers annually. You will help us provide food and gifts for volunteers at this appreciation event.
You will be listed on the event program as the “Sponsor” and will be given verbal recognition at the event.



Yearly Facility Rental



The Facility Rental is a workspace where meetings for the staff and volunteers will be held. You will help maintain this space for TIP.
Your name will be listed as the “Facility Sponsor” in the resource guide, on our website and on social media.


Tip is non profit, 501 (c)3 organization and donations are tax deductible.

Make checks payable to:
Trauma Intervention Programs
26838 Cherry Hills Blvd, Menifee, CA 92586

TIP TAX ID: # 20-5389457